Multi SkillZ® LicenZ: Academy for sports & life skills

Multi SkillZ® Academy

Multi SkillZ® is a registered trademark with a unique methodology. With a license you become a recognized Multi SkillZ® provider and you can establish a Multi SkillZ® Academy.
Are you a coach who wants to do business? Then take advantage of the best support & go for a license!

Do I opt for 'Membership Skills & Games' or 'Academy LicenZ'?

Membership Skills & Games

  • No trademark rights Multi SkillZ®
  • Personal account = 1 access per person
  • Yearly renewable membership
  • Integration of exercise material in your offer
  • Separate membership per program

License Multi SkillZ® Academy

  • License for use Multi SkillZ® brand & method
  • Multiple logins for your coaches team
  • One-time startup fee & monthly contribution 
  • Integration total concept & recognized Multi SkillZ® provider
  • Access to multiple Multi SkillZ® & Sport SkillZ programs
  • Access to exclusive Academy exercise material
  • Access to the core of Magic Method via E-learning
  • Access to management & business support
  • Access to branding, imagery & marketing tools
  • Access to lesson preparation & camp playbooks
  • Access to support desk & community
  • Access to Academy trainings
  • Visibility on Multi SkillZ® website
Sport service Diksmuide

As an urban sports service you want to get as many children as possible to exercise and get them interested in sports. The offer should first of all supplement the sports club offer and especially focus on general movement skills. For the toddler age we already worked with Multimove. When Multi SkillZ came up, we also had an appropriate concept to offer to the elementary school age.

Our sports coaches who give Multi SkillZ find the creativity and the extensive database of exercise material  a great added value. The exercise material generates a lot of enthusiasm within the sports group. The creativity of the sports instructor is also stimulated when watching the many videos. You can endlessly differentiate and vary.

Multi SkillZ is a recommendation for other sports services! The database with exercise material is a great added value for the own sports coaches. It offers a nice addition and sequel to Multimove and positions you in relation to sports clubs. You can also roll out this concept at the sports clubs via the Multi SkillZ Trainings. They too will see the added value of it!

Sven Casteleyn - Sports officer
Academy Waasland

With Multi SkillZ my kids learn more, they grow better in their sport. For my Academy I get very good support for me & my coaches, nowhere do I find such a well-developed platform.

Nick Maes - Head Coach & Operator
Academy Klein-Brabant

I didn't have long to doubt the choice for a license at Multi SkillZ. I could immediately estimate that Multi SkillZ, which was the 'missing link' in children's sports education, was something that would appeal to many children and would benefit them for the rest of their lives. Not only on a sports and social level, but also in the whole development of their personality.  You make children stand strong in their shoes and in life. What better gift can you give a child?
A dream for a coach who wants to make a difference.

The whole approach is very unique, the quality is undeniable and the support is unseen. Kenneth and Line and other Multi SkillZ coaches are always ready to help you with tips, to get in touch with people, etc.... It has made me grow a lot as a person and coach. One of the best decisions in my life.


Ilse De Vlieger - Multi SkillZ Coach
Academy Kinoptima

We were op looking for a concept to let children multisport or especially move with lots variation. Forward, backward, turn, crawl, jump, roll, ... moving in all directions that was what first appealed to us in Multi SkillZ.

From the perspective of physical therapy, we see a lot of children with overuse injuries because they start exercising very one-sidedly from a young age. That's such a pity because the more variation in movement, the stronger your body for the future.

Multi SkillZ combines this aspect with a wide range of motor skills  and learning processes that can come in handy in any sport.  Also the focus on positive coaching, fun and cooperation are self-evident for us but oh so important to be emphasized!

That total concept makes Multi SkillZ ideal as a sports offer for young sporters, but also for adults there is a lot to learn from it.

Helen Koch - physiotherapist and coach